Thursday, December 23, 2004

Fooey to the World - Festivus Nigh

Tired of the same old Christmas party games? New Christmas craze spreading.

I loved Seinfield, and have seen all of the shows at least twice. It is a tribute to that shows creativity that a new "holiday" craze has begun. An alternative Christmas celebration. Would I attend a Festivus party? Absolutely. It sounds like great fun. No hunting for a unisex or gag gift. No half hearted haggling over gifts that are many times rejected regifts. No resentment towards the person or couple who brings a gift that obviously cost less than the $20 standard set by the host. Not having to stretch a Christmas budget already at the breaking point for yet another gift.

Simplicity. An airing of grievances, blowing off that inevitable Christmas tension and steam by accusing all and listing their disappointing behaviors and then wrestling? Sounds a bit like domestic violence during the holidays, no?

Probably not a good idea for an office party:)