Cartoons from a Killer
The Smoking Gun website has posted an animated cartoon created by Jeff Weiss, the kid who killed 9 people before shooting himself. In this animated cartoon, the character commits suicide after his bloody rampage. There is also a link to his MSN personal website profile.
If you want a detailed psychological analysis of these cartoons, MSNBC has an interview with Dr. Katherine Newman, author of the book "Rampage" posted on it's website.
Among the things disclosed on these websites:
One of Weiss' favorite movies was Dawn of the Dead.
His favorite quote was "We are little flames, poorly sheltered by frail walls against the storm of dissolution and madness, in which we flicker and sometimes almost go out." - Wehrmacht Private Paul Baumer, All Quiet on the Western Front
If you want a detailed psychological analysis of these cartoons, MSNBC has an interview with Dr. Katherine Newman, author of the book "Rampage" posted on it's website.
Among the things disclosed on these websites:
One of Weiss' favorite movies was Dawn of the Dead.
His favorite quote was "We are little flames, poorly sheltered by frail walls against the storm of dissolution and madness, in which we flicker and sometimes almost go out." - Wehrmacht Private Paul Baumer, All Quiet on the Western Front
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