Monday, October 18, 2004

A President's Lunacy?

I had to post this. I came across this clip on another blog site. "Has Bush Lost His Reason". The clip is from the British "Guardian" website and is hilarious. According to the writer on "Guardian", Bush is a unstable blathering idiot who can not not perform unscripted in public. The facts he uses to back this up? Bush gets grouchy sometimes and his mind goes blank at times on national tv. There are some vague mentionings of un-named sources. Right. That explains everything. I feel so much more enlightened now.
It seems now that the most serious decision we have to make is not a political one at all. We need to "help" Bush out of his dilemma, he is most certainly ill. Note the red face. Was that anger I saw. Did he INTERRUPT the moderator? Definite signs, definite signs of instability. Click on the link below to view the original "Guardian" story.
Has Bush Lost His Reason
Another fun website, if you enjoy political discourse and don't feel threatened by other's opinions is the blog site Left Turn on Bird Street. You can find a multitude of Bush bashing postings which can be humorous in a ludicrous way. That is where I originally stumbled upon this story. Also contained in this website is a humorous story about a bootleg radio station run out of a trailer park (September's archives) and a link to a blog post entitled "A Call To Cannibalism" (January's archives)