Thursday, November 04, 2004

Sanity Prevailed In The 2004 Presidential Election

At no time in history has an election inspired so many to take a position on political matters. The election seemed to be all about George Bush. You supported George Bush, or you hated George Bush.

I found it interesting that I could find scant evidence of Kerry supporters who had a favorable thing to say about his agenda, his leadership, his record, or his potential as the president of the most powerful nation in the world. The prevailing reason for voting for Mr. Kerry was because of extreme hatred for George Bush.

I always wondered if Kerry supporters had really listened to his position on weapons issues. If he had been elected we would have had virtually NO DEFENSE against our enemies? He stated in several of campaign stops that terrorism was a law enforcement issue, just like the war on drugs, and was being used to scare America. He said this after attending very few intelligence committee meetings after 9/11.

Clinton raped the intelligence department by cuts in funding so greatly that their intelligence was extremely inadequate. Most of the intelligence was gathered through technology instead of using field agents to verify the information. During the Clinton presidency intelligence showed and Clinton himself proclaimed that there was a presence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Yet, Kerry and the democrats blame 9/11, and the Iraq situation all on George Bush.

America is not as stupid as the Democrats obviously think we are. We have spoken in the loudest voice yet. Will we be heard? The jury is out. From watching the pundits on the News Channels they do not appear ready to admit that America is saying we want tax breaks, we like what Bush stands for, we believe in the war and the freedom of the Iraqi people and we are tired of being lied to.

Want to know how your county voted? The map below breaks down the vote state by state , county by county.
I can proudly say that I am a middle class tax payer who did get a tax refund from Bush's tax cut.