Thursday, January 06, 2005

1964 Slayings - Klansman Arrested

I am 41 years old and I was raised in Mississippi. I have never personally seen a KKK rally or even people in KKK garb. I am not ignorant of the South's past. I know there were dark, horrible times. I can state truthfully that the South I grew up in is not the South portrayed on TV and in some novels.

In 1964, when I was one year old, three voter registration volunteers, one black, the other two white, were murdered. Several Klansmen were convicted of conspiracy. but served only 3 to 6 years.

Today Edgar Ray Killen was arrested and is being held on three counts of murder. Sheriff Larry Myers stated that there will be more arrests.

Edgar Ray Killen should get the death penalty, it should be swift because of his age. He deserves to fry.