Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Criminal Charges Filed Against Teen Accused of Aiding in Pregnancy Termination

In Mount Clemens, Michigan, a teen boy has been arrested. He is being accused of causing his girlfriend to miscarry by striking her in the abdomen over a course of two weeks. The girlfriend was allowing her boyfriend to strike her stomach. She did not want to be pregnant. She was not arrested.

A 1999 law created by the Michigan Legislature, makes the boys actions criminally liable. The girl, even if complicit in the termination is not criminally liable.

The baby was not viable at time of death, but this will not affect charges.

" Prosecutor Smith said the defendant must plead guilty as charged or face trial. "This crime is shocking and reprehensible," he said. "I will not entertain any plea bargaining on it."

My personal opinion? I have children around these teen's age and my heart breaks for both them and their parents, however, I think that if there is a law that prosecutes the one who causes the death of an unborn child then that same law should also prosecute the pregnant one if she allows the abuse that causes the miscarriage. Maybe this prosecution will send the message, life is important and not to be ended just because you are scared or inconvenienced.