Saturday, February 05, 2005

Meth Mouth

I used to work at a counseling center. One of my co-workers had been Chrystal Meth abuser at one time. At the end of his addiction, he was psychotic and emaciated, his teeth had decayed to the point that he had to get a partial plate. (He had pictures) He had to be hospitalized. He went on to become a drug counselor to help other people struggling with addictions.

An article in the Baltimore Sun today talks about one side effect of methamphetamine, called "meth mouth" where the user's teeth crumble and decay.
An Idaho news site chronicles this, other side effects and signs of a meth use.

If you think you might have a meth lab in your neighbor hood, here are some signs to look for: darkened windows, neglected yards, garbage in yards sometimes stacked behind a fence, filthy living conditions, neglected children.

Marathon Meth use can alter appearance the article states: "The drug tends to cause eyes to bulge, hair to fall out and teeth to rot. It erodes elasticity and pigmentation in skin, causing it to sag and turn a grayish hue. Kane said in a matter of time a 30-year-old hard-core meth user can look more like a senior citizen than a young adult.

“We have all these young folks using the drug and they are aging far beyond their years. People are putting poisonous chemicals into their body and calling it a good time. Meth takes a toll on the body. It also really likes the minerals found in teeth and it will eventually eat them away.”
Users on a binge can experience hallucinations. They often pick at skin where blood vessels appear close to the surface."

“They’re called crank bugs. A lot of people pick at those vessels thinking they are bugs beneath the skin. They pick and pick until they tear open the skin. Usually when you’re around someone with these open sores you can smell the chemicals seeping out of their body,” Adams said."